Yesterday was the first full session of the laser on Taz.
508 shots in total over all but his chest. The reason for not doing the chest this time was due to the frequency of the laser needed to disperse yellow. With the frequency used for black/brown it would oxidise the yellow causing it to go black.
Therefore next time the full tattoo will be hit as the frequency will change.
So how was it? For the full day the nerves were kicking in along with the sickness feeling in the stomach.
I sat in the chair at 4pm and was out 5 mins later. The pain however was a I remembered it before! An elastic band hitting you from about 4 feet away. I am sure the cryogenic air helps but you still hold your breath and clinch the arm of the chair!
Afterwards it was very swollen and looks like it does now, blocs blistered. Judging by the foot that got done last time, this should heal quickly with visible results.
I will continue to post weekly updates of the healing until my next session in 6 week time.
The swelling has gone down this morning and no pain really. A little discomfort maybe but nothing major.
Next time I will try to get a photo immediately after the treatment that shows the tattoo as one big green mess. It's only a netter of seconds before it goes like it does now but it's very impressive.