Ok, this is more of a History and to answer the 'Why?' question at the same time. 'Why?' as in 'Why did you get them?' and not 'Why do you want to remove them?'
I was 17 and it was the 'fashion' I guess for typical tracksuit Chav's from the 'Boro.
Friends were getting 'Made in Boro' around their belly buttons, 'F@!k Off' on the inside of their lips (seriously!), Devils, Flowers, Mum, Bulldogs etc.. etc... oh and Celtic Bands.
What did I go for... A Taz on my right tit and a Wile E Coyote dressed as the grim reaper on my left shoulder..... Wow! I was 'IT!'
15/16 years later I am sick of going on holiday and looking like an arse... The one on my shoulder does not bother me as I cannot see it, but looking at Taz every single day in the mirror is getting on my tit's literally!

So, I have decided to try and do something about it. The Tat's cost me about £15 each back in the day and the thought of paying thousands to remove them makes me feel ill. That and the fact Laser treatment is painful (I hear!).
So I did some research and found something called 'Lazer Cream' (www.tattooremovalcream.co.uk). It has cost £50 for a 3 month supply (half price) and it basically looks like a moisturising cream. The instructions are to rub it in for a couple of minutes to the Tattoo twice a day. So this blog will follow the weekly progress. Hopefully we will see some results after the first month, otherwise I will have been robbed out of £50!

I will only be trying to eliminate Taz for now. If this 'wonder cream' works, I will then start on Wile!